
Hello - my name is Chris Arneson - I am a blogger ( thegoat1.blogspot.com ) podcaster (A Star Is Born) used to be a columnist (The Daily Evergreen) self-published author (5 books avail on Amazon) and actor (appeared in background of various shows and movies that aired since 2019) 

I believe this topic is directly related to the current homeless crisis in America - I believe the lack of a support system for childless young men and ostracization of them (and ignorance of real issues like drug addiction and mental health problems) is DIRECTLY RELATED to the homeless crisis (over 2/3 of homeless people are men) 
According to endhomelessness.org 71.5% of homeless people are INDIVIDUAL ADULTS - the homeless crisis is also a crisis of ignoring and casting away the INDIVIDUAL 

 Welcome to all adults (with or without kids) - this is mainly a blog that will celebrate the latter however - people like myself, us adults who have not created offspring, are an underrepresented and undervalued cog in society - after all, we were all children once (not THAT long ago for people like myself) so why should we be seen as lesser than our peers who simply became like our parents? Does it make you actually more valuable as a member of society if you are a parent? I don’t think so - I think 31 year-old childless bro bachelors like myself should be the face of this nation - we are the difference-makers, rowdy reality TV contestants, risk-takers and boundary-pushers - we are the non-conformists who refuse to believe that all that truly matters in life is creating a younger version of yourself and trying to be accepted by everyone - we are the individuals who didn’t become like the young parents in those Progressive commercials with Dr. Rick.

Here are some fellow childless heroes (if you say it makes you a hero to be a good parent then I say it makes you a hero to not have kids if you know you aren’t ready/don’t want that responsibility)

• Oprah 

• Dolly Parton

• Jay Leno

• Winona Ryder

• Ricky Gervais


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