Hello - my name is Chris Arneson - I am a blogger ( thegoat1.blogspot.com ) podcaster (A Star Is Born) used to be a columnist (The Daily Evergreen) self-published author (5 books avail on Amazon) and actor (appeared in background of various shows and movies that aired since 2019) I believe this topic is directly related to the current homeless crisis in America - I believe the lack of a support system for childless young men and ostracization of them (and ignorance of real issues like drug addiction and mental health problems) is DIRECTLY RELATED to the homeless crisis (over 2/3 of homeless people are men) According to endhomelessness.org 71.5% of homeless people are INDIVIDUAL ADULTS - the homeless crisis is also a crisis of ignoring and casting away the INDIVIDUAL Welcome to all adults (with or without kids) - this is mainly a blog that will celebrate the latter however - people like myself, us adults who have not created offspring, are an underrepresente...